Charcoal drawing? This is what all about charcoal art.
Charcoal drawing is nothing but drawing with charcoal pencil. Charcoal sketch is best artwork in black and white. Handmade charcoal sketch attracts due to its contrast in gray scale. Charcoal sketch on paper which can be delivered anywhere in the world. Provide photo and get a hyper realistic charcoal sketch done. My specialty is hyper realistic portrait.
Why charcoal sketch is so special?
Charcoal is burned wood or coal. When charcoal drawing is done on a bright and shine paper, Dark charcoal make a huge contrast. Just because of contrast black to white its so vibrant in appealing. Charcoal art is just like other drawing.
Artwork with charcoal is mostly done on white paper, rarely on canvas. As charcoal is pretty black in contrast and it dosen’t has any reflection property, charcoal painting looks amazing from any angle. Order hyper realistic charcoal drawing and get a fantastic feel at any light level. apart from charcoal art there are more art medium available
What is the time required for charcoal portrait?
It takes approx 15-30 Hrs for hyper realistic charcoal portrait.