Oil Portrait Painting
Oil Portrait painting is the best painting style made in world's art history
kalakari.com is the best place to turn photo into oil portrait painting. The reason is, we are not a mediator where many artists works and get your painting done based on price. Portrait Artist Partha Biswas is the owner of kalakari.com. And all artworks are originally hand-painted by him.
- Here you can discuss directly with the artist.
- Tell him how you want your portrait to be done. The changes require to the photo, background color, adding and removing of things etc.
- Get free guidance and suggestions for your portrait painting.
- Pay only to the artist. If you are placing the portrait order online at a mediator website, the price is high because you have to pay both the mediator and also the artist.
- But at kalakari.com you are getting the painting directly from the artist, so you can save huge money.
- Here you get the oil portrait painting by experienced and talented portrait artist. Where you get the 100% quality guarantee, because every art piece he makes is important to him as well.
Wedding painting from photos
Wedding painting can be a lasting reminder of your marriage. Turning wedding photo to oil painting on canvas is the great option to immortalize your wedding memories forever. And cherish the lovable and fleeting memories your entire life.
A portrait painting tell a story who you are as a couple.
Order oil portrait painting
Get your canvas painting hand painted by famous portrait artist in India, specialized in oil painting art medium.
- High detailing work in portrait. Like cloths, Jewellery, and background etc.
- Captures priceless expressions of the subject in finest way.
- No Compromisation on artwork quality. 100% originally hand painted lifelike portrait paintings. Click below for more
Oil painting images
Mother Son Oil Painting
Preserve your mother-son old photos in art form of mother-son oil painting. Save your fleeting memories with oil portrait paintings.
Oil painting art - Restore old photos
Restoring old photos and gifting them to the beloved ones, families, parents and grandparents will be the best gift ever. Click below link for more artworks
Black And White photo to oil painting
Old photo restoration by oil painting
Girl Oil Painting
Get your girl oil painting, beautifully painted on canvas. Oil paintings of photos are the mesmerizing gifts for birthday, anniversary, valentine’s day and any other special occasions.
We focus on uniqueness, Likeness, quality and timely delivery. All our painting prices are affordable to everyone.
Order Oil Painting
Latest Oil paintings on canvas
Techniques of amazing Oil Painting
Oil painting on canvas is the best process to make. Oil painting can be pained on many surface such as canvas paper canvas cloth wooden surface wall and many more. But the traditional oil painting making process is oil painting on canvas. As the canvas can be mounted on wooden frame and same can be transferred to other place while relocate. Using oil pigment with linseed oil as solvent is used to paint the complete painting, depending on the color, quantity and type of pigment. Oil painting attracts eye due to its contrastive and glossy nature. Variety of brushes along with knifes, color palate and nice canvas surface helps artist to make a beautiful structure of oil painting.
Important information of Oil Painting
Oil Painting is a familiar name to all art lovers, there are some important information you need to know.
Oil painting Surface:
Most of the time oil painting is done on a canvas no matter whether its a rolled form or framed. Canvas selection is the primary choice on artist to artist. Usually the canvas grain size as Large, medium & fine grain canvas is standard and available with many manufacturer. Canvas with 10 OZ is usually being chosen for any oil painting surface.
Drying time of Oil Painting:
Usually oil painting is a time taking process due to its drying time. The number of layer of color increases difficulty of drying during less time. Of course layering of work is up to painting to painting.
Oil Painting is famous since more than five centuries. Property of oil is all about shine and reflection. when Oil painting is done the color pigment with combination of oil solvent bring a glossy and realistic reflection that attracts everyone’s eye. Oil Painting is done on canvas most of the time in traditional painting techniques. Oil portrait painting is very popular in current time due to it’s lifetime and attraction.
Oil painting is popular behind this there are many reasons, as Oil painting is a old technique and practiced by famous artist in ancient art. There are many paintings are still in good condition and stored in many museum and and special places. Hence all are familier with the attraction and glance of paintings those are created by some master of fine arts. In old days oil painting was a symbol of royal life at the same time expense of having one oil portrait also costed more than recent art value.
Easy to order
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Man & Lady at temple oil painting
Art has the remarkable ability to capture the essence of a moment, preserving it for generations to come. One such captivating oil painting depicts a man holding a girl on his arm within the serene setting of a temple. This artwork evokes curiosity, inviting viewers to explore the emotions, symbolism, and artistic techniques that make it a timeless masterpiece.